The 12th Huada School on QCD was held at Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan, China, Oct 27 --Nov 02, 2024. It was organized by Weiyao Ke, Longgang Pang and Guangyou Qin.The Huada QCD Schools are lecture series at the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) at CCNU, aiming to provide pedagogical lectures on the physics of strong interactions to graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers.The scientific topic for the annual school this year is ``Practical Theory Tools for the Electron-Ion Collider Physics''. Three invited lecturers delivered a week of lectures on
·1. Effective Theory and Jet Physics (Dr. Kyle Lee)
·2. Small-x Physics (Prof. Farid Salazar )
·3. Quantum Computing of High Energy QCD (Dr. João Barata)
About 60 students, postdocs and young researchers from universities and institutes across China participated in the school. The lectures in the mornings and early afternoons were followed by small discussion groups in which students can ask additional questions and have further discussions. For more details about the school and slides of the lectures go to: